
TouchMIDI : How To Customize Firmware For Your Original Project

If you have a github account, you can fork our source code and develop your own project. Here We explain how to customize firmware for your own project on TouchMIDI.

1.Fork our TouchMIDI firmware.

2.Customize and build your own project on MPLAB X IDE.
(MPLAB X is IDE for PIC MCU. You can get information here.)

3.You can use much more terminals than PAD1-10.
     If you want GPIO, you can use IN1-4, OUT1-4.
     If you want to connect to I2C devices, you can use SCL/SDA.
     If you want to use UART, you can use TX/RX(not only MIDI).
     Detail of Each Terminals is here.

4.Write your original firmware to TouchMIDI by PICkit3.

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